Infant simulator doll is actually of doll that is non-living but has been designed to have all the requirements of a living baby. Some unique infant simulator dolls can demand food try and even generate waste. Like human simulators are used to train people for surgeries, infant simulator dolls were designed to discourage teenage pregnancies so that teenagers can understand that having a child is a big responsibility.
Initially, Australian researchers used infant simulator dolls to introduce high school students to the challenges of parenting. Instead of discouraging the students, the Infant simulator dolls made students feel like they can handle parenthood and that it was a privilege to have a life meaning in the form of a child. The high school administrations considered simulation infant dolls the most ethical way to teach High school children performing unprotected sex a lesson.
When students spent a day or two with the infant simulator doll, they thought it is easy responsibility to take on, but the thing is, initially, parenting is always easy. As time passes, handling a child can be very difficult. The increasing difficulty of handling a child with time has a solid link to the level of motivation that decreases.
It is difficult for a magic doll and teaches teenagers parental responsibilities as it is crucial to deal with both parents. The issue must be addressed constructively and needs to start from the infancy level. Teenagers entering premature parenthood must understand the investment in vulnerable children. Children not only demand time, care and attention for basic needs like infant simulator dolls, but they also demand financial investments that teenage parents mostly lack. In the end, things that start from minor negligence becomes a big problem for the career of both the parents and their academic life.
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